வியாழன், 9 டிசம்பர், 2021


                      REVISION TEST -1


CLASS: 10 

MARKS : 50  

TIME 1:30 hrs


choose the appropriate synonyms for the italicised words.... 15 X 1 =15

1. His parents circles around raising a proud Cack le

(a) Sharp moise (b) bunt noise (c) high pitch (d) shout

2. The cops were reluctant to leave

(a) bold (b) certain (c) rash (d) hecitant

3. They were apprehensive and supportive too

(a) confident (b) anxious (c) angry (d) happy.

choose the appropriate antonyms for the italicized words.

4 say mother swooped upwords.

(a) very quick (b) very fast (c) very nice (d) very slow

5. The light still shone palely down the stairs

(a) dim (b) weak (c) bright (d) faint

6. I am glad that we were able to finish. it successfully

(a) happy (b) pleased (c) sorry (d) joyful

7. choose the correct plural form of ‘Syllabus

(a) syllabuses (b) syllabus (c) syllabi d) syllabuss.

8. The common expansion of CBI is…….

(a) Central Bureau of Investigation. (b) Central Banks of India

(c) Central Bureau of Investions. (d) Central Banks of Investous

9.choose the suitable option to add it with the world ‘sugar’ to form Compound word

(a) ball (b) pack (c) coat (d) spoon.

10. choose the meaning of the idiom 'hit the road’……

(a) to start a journey (b) to stop a journey (c)planning for a vocation (d) to hit in a journey

11. Fill in the blank with most appropriate phrasal verbs

He failed to…………..Courage

(a) muster up (b) muster on (C) muster by (d) muster off..

12. Form a derivative by adding prefix to the word" Establish………..

a) _aty (b) _ity (c) _ly (d) _ment

13. Complete the following sentence using the most appropriate tense form of the verb given below Isha …………..(attend) music classes regularly

(a) attended (b) attending (c) will attend (d) attends.

14 choose the appropriate article to complete the sentence.

Raj is playing………… piano now.

(a) the (b) a (c) an

15.choose the appropriate preposition to complete the sentence....

The fox jumped …….the well

  1. On (b) to (c) into (d) with


Section - I

Answer or any three of the following questions 3 X 2 = 6

16 what was the first catch of the young seagull's older brother?

17. Why did Herman and the authey slam the doors ?

18 Mention the celebrations which the crew enjoyed during their expeditions ?

19 what made the young seagull go mad ?

Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any two of the following 2 X 2 = 4

20 So, Let the way wind up the hill or down . o'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy.

(a) How is the way of life ? ( b) How should be the journey of life ?

21. There's a family nobody likes to meet; they live, it is said, on complaining street

(a) where does the family live?

(b) why do you think the street in named as "Complaining street ?

22. Strong is she in her faith and beliefs. "Persistence is the key to everything," says she

(a) what is she strong about ?

(b) How does she deal with the adversities in life ?

Part -III


Answer any one of the following questions 1 X 5 = 5

23 Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flight.

24 Describe the funny incident that caused the confusion in the house.

25. Highlight the factors responsible for the all women Indian Navy crew to carry 4 out their expeditions.

Section -II

Anstver any two of the following questions. 2 X 5 = 10

26. write a paragraph on "The Crumble Family and then attitude towards other folks.

27. what qualities have made women powerful?

28. A woman is beauty innate

A symbol of power and strength

She puts her life at stake,

she's real, she's not fake!

(a) pick out the rhyming words from the above line.

(b) Add another word that rhymes with strength.

© Give the rhyme scheme for the above line

(d) pick out the alliterating words.

Section. IlI

Answer any two of the following questions 2x5=10

30. Ms. Deepa an NGO writes a letter to the wholesale book shop dealer, placing order for 100 copies of medium size English oxford Dictionary.

31. Quote from memory

Let me live……………………back in tean.

32 Re-arrange the following sentences in co herent order:

(i) Of these Ariel was the chief.

(ii) They live in a cave made out of rocks .

(iii) Gonzalo, the loud of his court privately places wates, provisions apparels and books .

(iv) Prospero, the Duke of Milan reaches the island with his daughtes Miranda.

(v) By virtue of his magic he releases many good spirits from the witch sycorax.

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