வியாழன், 9 டிசம்பர், 2021



              MODEL REVISION TEST-1

SUBJECT: SCIENCE        TIME :1.30 hrs

CLASS: 10                       MARK: 50


1. Inertia of a body depends on

a) weight of the object

b) acceleration due to gravity of the planet

c) mass of the object

d) Both a & b

2. The mass of a body is measured on planet

Earth as M kg. When it is taken to a planet

of radius half that of the Earth then its value

will be…………kg

a) 4 M b) 2M c) M/4 d) M

3. Where should an object be placed so that a real and inverted image of same size is obtained by a convex lens

a) f b) 2f c) infinity d) between f and 2f

4. In a myopic eye, the image of the object is formed

a) behind the retina b) on the retina c) in front of the retina d) on the blind spot

5. Which of the following is a triatomic molecule?

a. Glucose b. Helium c. Carbon dioxide d) hydrogen

6. Which of the following represents I amu?

a) Mass of a C-12 atom b) Mass of a hydrogen atom

c) 1/12th of the mass of a C-12 atom d) Mass of O-16 atom

7. The number of periods and groups in the periodic table are

a) 6,16 b) 7, 17 c) 8,18 d) 7,18

8.The basis of modern periodic law is

a) atomic number neutrons b) atomic mass c) isotopic mass d) number of neutrons

9. Which is formed during anaerobic respiration

a) Carbohydrate b) Ethyl alcoho c) Acetyl COA d) Pyruvate

10. Oxygen is produced at what point during photosynthesis ?

a) when ATP is converted to ADP b) when CO2is fixed

c)when H2O is splitted d) All of these

11. During transpiration there is loss of

a) carbon dioxide b) oxygen c) water d) none of this above


12. Match the following

Column I Column II

a. Newton's I law - propulsion of a rocket

b. Newton's Il law - Stable equilibrium of a body

e. Newton's III law - Law of force

d. Law of conservation - Flying nature of bird

of Linear momentum

13. Differentiate convex lens and concave lens.?

14. What is refractive index?

15. a)The sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons of an atom is called its-----------?

b)The number of atoms present in a molecule is called its---------------

16. True or False: (If false give the correct statement)

a) Noble gases are Diatomic

b) I mole of Gold and Silver contain same number of atoms

17. State two conditions necessary for rusting of iron.

18. Assertion and Reason Answer the following questions using the data given below:

i)A and R are correct, R explains the A.

ii) A is correct, R is wrong.

iii) A is wrong, R is correct.

iv) A and R are correct, R doesn't explains

Assertion: The nature of bond in HF molecule is ionic

Reason: The electronegativity difference between H and F is 1.9

19. What is respiratory quotient?

20. Why is the colour of the Blood red?

21.What are the cause myopia?


22. What are the types of inertia? Give an example for each type.?

23. Explain the rules for obtaining images formed by a convex lens with the help of ray diagram ?

24. a) Define: Atomicity

b)Give any two examples for heterodiatomic molecules

25. What is photosynthesis and where in a cell does it occur?

26. Enumerate the functions of blood.

ANSWER ANY ONE : 1 X 7 = 7

27. Differentiate the following

a) Monocot root and Dicot root

b) Acrobic and Anaerobic respiration

28. Calculate the number of moles in

i) 27g of Al

ii) 1.51 x 1023 molecules of NH4CI

29. State Newton's laws of motion?

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